Bulk Upload with
FedEx Now
Use our free Bulk Upload tool to import shipments from
Amazon and eBay and manage shipping all from one place.
Benefits of Bulk Upload
Bulk Upload is a great way to manage your parcel deliveries across multiple shipping channels without having to move between different accounts. Grow your business by saving hours of admin time on parcel delivery.
Import your orders from
Amazon and eBay
Send multiple parcels
in one go
Handle invoicing and admin in one place
Have a clear sales
channel overview
Ship your sold marketplace items with any of FedEx Now services
Features of Bulk Upload with FedEx Now

Managing orders
Manage your eBay and Amazon orders from one dashboard. Filter your orders by marketplace, size and weight. Group orders together or choose to ship separately to the same address. All within a matter of minutes!

Automating imports
Set certain rules for certain parcels so you don’t have to manually choose a service for every order. For example, parcels purchased on eBay will automatically be sent with FedEx Next Day. Once you set up rules, we’ll create shipping labels as soon as you confirm your orders.

Notifying customers
Save time using different marketplace accounts to communicate with customers - let customers know as soon as their parcel has been shipped with just one click. And with free FedEx tracking on every parcel, providing accurate tracking information to your customers is a given.