Send your Amazon parcels with FedEx Now

Use our free Bulk Upload tool to import shipments from Amazon and manage shipping all from one place.

Need an Amazon parcel delivery service?

Bulk Upload is a great way to manage your parcel deliveries across multiple shipping channels without having to move between different accounts. Grow your business by saving hours of admin time on parcel delivery.

Need an Amazon parcel delivery service?

Bulk Upload is a great way to manage your parcel deliveries across multiple shipping channels without having to move between different accounts. Grow your business by saving hours of admin time on parcel delivery.

Why use FedEx now for your Amazon parcels?

Enhance your Amazon seller rating with FedEx Now’s Bulk Upload.
Unlock free access to these great features when you link your Amazon account today:
edit bulk orders
Amend, delete or bulk-edit orders whenever you need.
easy invoicing
Easy access to invoices and statements for all your orders.
delivery tracking
Resolve disputes easily with our delivery tracking features.
edit bulk orders
Upload order and buyer information in seconds.
Who Can Use Bulk Upload for Amazon Deliveries?

You could be a personal seller or an online start-up – anyone can link their FedEx Now account to Amazon. It’s not about how many parcels you send, but how you send them. Let FedEx Now save you time, money and hassle by taking all the effort out of getting your orders where they need to be.
