Quick and easy shipping from £6.49+ VAT

With just one click for your UK and International parcels

Send within UK
Send Internationally

Outstanding delivery experiences

Help & FAQs

The Help Centre contains all of our FAQs, helping you to make the most of FedEx Now delivery services.

Drop Shop Locator

Simply drop your package off at one of our many retail points and we will take it from there.


Save time and avoid having to enter your payment details every time you book a parcel.

Simple shipping with FedEx drop off services


Book and pay online

Simply enter your parcel details to get an instant delivery quote for FedEx Now services.

pack your parcel

Pack and label your parcel

Print at home and attach to your parcel before you ship.

send a parcel

Drop off and send

Take your parcel to any FedEx Now drop off point - find your nearest drop off when you book.
